Silicon Valley as the nucleus of the modern way of computing
Table of contents
- Silicon Valley - what is that?
- Stanford University
- Hewlett Packard - the garage myth
- Foundation and first years
- The rise of HP up to the present
- The HP Way - an example of corporate
culture for a whole industry
- The rise of Silicon Valley
- Invention of the transistor
- Shockley Semiconductor and
- Development of the "Chip" at
- Importance of military funding
- Intel Corp.
- Foundation in 1968
- First products - Moore's Law
- "Ted" Hoff's first
- Rising importance for Intel's
- Cooperation with IBM in the
- Leading position up to the
- The emergence of the PC industry
- Altair - the first PC
- The first computer shops
- Homebrew Computer Club
- The Apple Story
- "Woz" and Jobs - the two
- The first Apple
- Building up the company
- Apple II - starting the personal
computer boom
- Overnight millionaires -
the American Dream becomes true
- Turbulences in the early
- The Lisa project
- The Macintosh revolution
- John Sculley and Steve Jobs
- Conclusion and prospect
- Bibliography
Martin Gröger
Last modified: Fri Dec 3 21:32:49 MET 1999