Silicon Valley as the nucleus of the modern way of computing

Table of contents

  1. Silicon Valley - what is that?
  2. Stanford University
  3. Hewlett Packard - the garage myth
    1. Foundation and first years
    2. The rise of HP up to the present
    3. The HP Way - an example of corporate culture for a whole industry
  4. The rise of Silicon Valley
    1. Invention of the transistor
    2. Shockley Semiconductor and Fairchild
    3. Development of the "Chip" at Fairchild
    4. Importance of military funding
  5. Intel Corp.
    1. Foundation in 1968
    2. First products - Moore's Law
    3. "Ted" Hoff's first microprocessor
    4. Rising importance for Intel's CPUs
    5. Cooperation with IBM in the 1980s
    6. Leading position up to the present
  6. The emergence of the PC industry
    1. Altair - the first PC
    2. The first computer shops
    3. Homebrew Computer Club
  7. The Apple Story
    1. "Woz" and Jobs - the two "Steves"
    2. The first Apple
    3. Building up the company
    4. Apple II - starting the personal computer boom
    5. Overnight millionaires - the American Dream becomes true
    6. Turbulences in the early 1980s
    7. The Lisa project
    8. The Macintosh revolution
    9. John Sculley and Steve Jobs
  8. Conclusion and prospect
  9. Bibliography

Martin Gröger Last modified: Fri Dec 3 21:32:49 MET 1999